But soon enough, Gregory begins to have trouble with breathing and looks kind of suffocated. He becomes so weak that he falls off the boat that they were on at that moment. Thus, Dean and Ben, without a second thought, jump into the water so as to save him. They sure rescue Gregory, but because of the chaos, have lost the track of the boat they were on. The three of them are seen trying pretty hard to survive in this tough environment, but we see that Ben asks Dean to take hold of the extra life vest and let go of him. But obviously, Dean is reluctant to do, and thus, they hold their hands together and decide they will stick by each other’s side till help comes. Also, later it gets revealed to the audience that Ben has a tumor inside of his body and will not survive if it does not gets treated immediately. Also, JJ’s parents are quite rich, and this is discovered by Dean. Her mother also asks that they want to have visitation rights to come and see their son. Now, we shall head over to discuss what the future of the series has in store for us.
Station 19 Season 4 Episode 14 Release date
Station 19 season 4 episode 14 release date is on the 20th of May 2021 and is titled Comfortably Numb. The episode is supposed to roll out on ABC at 8 PM according to Eastern Time. Each episode has a runtime of about 60 minutes and recently, we saw that a hiatus was created in the release of the show. Thus, it decided to take a break for two weeks and is supposed to release pretty soon. Now, if you are someone who lives the series but are not sure about where you can watch it, then we have got you covered. The first and the easiest method of accessing the new episodes is by tuning in to ABC at the designated date and time slot. But if you do not have a cable connection at home, then episodes can be seen on the official website of ABC or the official application of ABC. But you all should keep in mind that the episodes release here a while after their original air on the network.
Station 19 Season 4 Episode 14 Spoilers
Now, you all must be wondering about what the next episode of the series is going to be like. Thus, here we have mentioned some spoilers. In Station 19 season 4 episode 14, we will see that Ben, who has been neglecting his health issues for a long time, will finally get himself checked again and deal with the tumor. He will have to go through at least one dose of chemotherapy in order to get better and in the next episode, we will see him going through it. Despite the fact that he has delayed this process for a long now, we do hope that there are not any side effects of it. On the other hand, we will see that Jack and Inara are going to help one of their neighbors who desperately needs them at the moment. Also read: Station 19 Season 4 Episode 9 Preview and Recap