It is well said that Simpsons never get old, and this year, they are continuing season 32 with executive producer James L. Brooks praised the staff for beginning working from their homes in early March 2020, before California’s stay-at-home order was published. In an interview with The Hollywood Anchor in late March 2020, showrunner Al Jean declared, “Production hasn’t jumped a day or lost a beat.” At that time, seven episodes for the season; Including the Treehouse of Horror episode, were previously developed, and they had started gathering the other twenty-two. Jean also declared that “we’re a little ahead of where we ordinarily are. “The series had a committee at the 2020 San Diego Comic-Con, which was exchanged as “Comic-Con@Home,” to promote the season, with Jean, Matt Selman, Carolyn Omine, David Silverman, and Mike B. Anderson on the panel, on the committee, with series regular Yeardley Smith working as a moderator.

2021 Simpsons Production

The 2021 production of Simpsons released the 11th episode of the 32nd season. The episode is called “The Dad-Feels Limited,” and it talks about the Comic Book Guy and his partner Kumiko and the Simpsons family are the heroes of two stories. On one side, the couple is enjoying their Sunday together while ignoring the applications at the Android’s Dungeon of the family for donations for the birthday parties they’re going to audit. Homer and Marge barely survived to finish the day after so much time spent among children and grabbed the wrong kid when choosing Bart, picking up Keland Huebner III, a kid who seems like him. They took the kids home and deceived Ned to babysit them while they disappeared for a trivia night at Moe’s. At the trivia, they participate in Comic Book Guy and Kumiko’s team and win. After a disordered dinner with their husbands, Marge summons Kumiko to her house, where she gives her recommendation for dealing with Comic Book Guy’s lifestyle. When Maggie starts weeping, she asks her to take care of her while making the bottle feed her.

Kumiko is not confidential with trading with babies. However, after presenting her the doll that slipped out from the crib, she continues and sings a Japanese lullaby, making her happy. Marge makes a notification of how she’s a natural. Kumiko performs a decision: to ask her husband to have a baby with her. However, after blowing his life around children at the Android’s Dungeon, he states he doesn’t want any.

Forever’s Graveyard

At night, Marge remarks how much the circumstances changed Kumiko on her Instasnap posts, and Homer presents to help them “ruin their gay life without kids nearby the house.” At the Springfield Forever Graveyard, it’s movie night, and Homer vows Bart and Lisa gift cards if they confer Comic Book Guy and Kumiko how good they are. The movie presented is Forward to the past. However, Comic Book Guy gets offended when Bart and Lisa start the following stuff on their phone, to the frustration of Kumiko. Homer and Marge exercise into a platinum grave, where they start kissing but get lost in the crypt. In the movie, Bart and Lisa explain how much they enjoyed the movie ends, which fills Comic Book Guy’s heart. However, when they explore Homer and Marge, the kids are frightened by trying to open the crypt door, pretending like zombies trying to open it, and Comic Book Guy runs away after combing for support from him.

Homer and Marge get delivered from it by Raphael, and they reunite, while Kumiko informs them that Comic Book Guy has run to a spot where there is no desire. He’s determined to have returned to his boyhood home where his father, Postage Stamp FellowllowPostage Stamp Fellow, lives. Kumiko angrily persuades Homer and Marge to bring back Comic Book Guy, so they go to his house, where the tale of his childhood is told. He lived encompassed by childless family features that spent their time collecting stuff, preferably of loving him. Marge tries to influence him to go back. However, Comic Book Guy says he’ll be at the house solely from now on.

The Comic Book Guy

Marge grabs a drafted picture of Comic Book Guy in a baseball team. The tale tells how he turned to baseball. However, the team nevermore played the big game continuously, where the other hurlers were injured. He got called to the pitch. However, his dad didn’t see his achievement, and he failed his strikes, with his teammates throwing him into the garbage. Many comics were tossed in the trash, and he started his enthusiasm that way, becoming Comic Book Guy. Marge defies his father about his lack of affection for his son.

Marge admonishes him to lick one of his unique stamps. Postage Stamp Fellow demonstrates he was buying an employed baseball from Sandy Koufax because if he lost, he’d not know how to console him, so he bought him the collectible. The two accommodate and play a game of snap with the encased ball, and the adventure changed him enough, so he returned home, able to have a baby.

Episode 12: Diary Queen

Ned Flanders is operating a garage sale, and the personalities of Springfield sing their way to his house. Many people purchase his stuff. However, he then dominates Carl and Lenny, starts smashing the stuff they bought. Ned gets angry when he sees that and that he got only $27 from the sale. Milhouse and Bart buy many of his novels and use them to fire Bart bounce over. Still, when he sits on a log after a failed record of his antics, he picks up a hardly burned diary, which he wins out being Edna Krabappel’s.

He tries to force it into the river before retreating because they accidentally catch Springfield Mafia dropping a body in it. They start reading the diary at Bart’s treehouse and determines where Chalmers operates his car keys and steals his car. Using the teacher’s lounge code, he opens the room, finding out what they do in there, doing a secondary job as a call center. At Our Lady of Springfield church, Bart discovers that she believed he has potential, believing himself working as the president’s chair tester, so Bart starts treating around the school and gets an “A” from a test.


At dinner, they rejoice with a cake. However, Lisa and Marge try to find how he deceived, and Lisa finds out that the diary on the treehouse, finding out the emotions she was writing about wasn’t for Bart. But her cat. She decides to lie to Bart, getting worried and bumps over it. Bart heals Willie, too, providing him a pet bunny. Lisa gets prescribed some Xanax. Bart gets remembered for his achievements at the Improvement Day awards, leading him to participate in the Spelling Bee. However, before he humiliates himself, Lisa brings the truth to him. Marge tries to comfort him at the treehouse but fails. However, Ned comes up at night, describing to him they were once thought of moving out of the town. However, they didn’t. They had a family gathering to vote, and Edna decided to stay to help boys like Bart that want her, that need to understand the good that’s confined inside of them and is striving to move out. Bart presents Ned the diary back, and he understands one passage in it, saying her feelings on their time collectively, that made her life a living fantasy come true. A montage of the photographs in the diary is then shown in her memory.

Episode 13: Wad Goals

Ralph is conducting a parade in the center of town. However, it’s just his fantasy. Mr. Rum-Ta-Tum, a flying bear, leads him in a bush, where he finds a mystery, a big playground. On the last day of school, he conducts the other kids to explore the secrets behind it. They begin by hiding in it with their backs applied to the street.

They create a big golf club in the center of the city. Milhouse and Bart find Jimbo arranging money by serving as a caddy for Dr. Hibbert, so they ask Raphael to work as caddies too. Bart gets attached to Kent Brockman, while Milhouse to Mr. Burns. Bart starts succeeding Kent; While Milhouse does a bad job, terrifying Burns on his shot, presenting him miss by a mile. Bart keeps running and racking up lots of money, more than his father; That is pretending his wad of money with no motionless dryer sheets. Marge takes Maggie to watch him operate and sees the transformation in him, absorbing people for money, including her. At the Phineas Q. Butterfat’s Ice Cream Parlor. He allowed them ice cream after telling them how he gained $50 and shifted the parlor workers. At the same time, Marge violently exits the parlor, telling Homer her attention, that disagrees.


Bart ends up purchasing a pool for himself and his friends. However, Martin suggests purchasing a good investment vehicle, so he buys a Coyote tracks flipper. However, when the others ask him to let them use the quad, he declines, making them angry. Marge and Lisa try to influence people at the Springfield Town Hall. But miss them due to them playing at the club. Bart spots club chairman Bildorf as his next objective; While Marge and Lisa write an online supplication on; “Stop simmering the Springfield Junipers Wealthy” (abbreviated as “Stop coddling the S.J.W.s”), getting over 1 million subscriptions (thanks to the abbreviation gaining them many more signatures), approaching the club’s existence.

The Simpsons Season 32 Episode 14

Episode 14 will be releasing on 7th March 2021. The episode will feature Cletus becoming a singing sensation while Homer becomes a new man Homer Jay Simpson, previously known as Max Power, is the Simpsons family’s father. Homer is overweight, lazy, and inexperienced but also strongly attached to his wife and children.  He works as a low-level impregnability inspector at the Springfield Nuclear Power Plant in Sector 7G; Although he’s often awkward, he mostly sleeps on duty and eats the donuts.  He contributes a numerous deal of his time at Moe’s Tavern with his lifelong friends Lenny, Carl, Barney, and bartender Moe Szylal. At home, he can often be found sitting on the sofa mindlessly watching T.V. while snacking on food and drinking Duff beer. You can watch Simpsons Online on Disney Plus.

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